Che Omar Che Soh

Page 1 malayan law journal reports 1988 volume 2 che omar bin che soh v public prosecutor 1988 2 mlj 55 29 february 1988 2 pages 1988 2 mlj 55 che omar bin che soh v public prosecutor wan jalil bin wan abdul rahman anor v public prosecutor sc kuala lumpur salleh abas lp wan suleiman seah hashim yeop a sani syed agil barakbah scjj supreme court criminal appeals nos 28 and 29 of.
Che omar che soh. Che omar bin che soh v pp appeal content. Che omar che soh is still good law. On che omar bin che soh v pp. 1 syarifah nafishah binti syed ibrahim 9170603 2 rosniza binti abd radzi 9170604 3 nur facts.
General principles of malaysian law tsu0614 rosmarini binti mat zain che omar bin che soh v public prosecutor 1988 2 mlj 55 constitutional law group members. The case of che omar bin che soh if understood correctly does not say that malaysia is a secular nation. In short the most important ratio in che soh che omar is the fact that even a religious law can have the status of law as long as it goes through such procedures laid out under the federal constitution or state constitution. It only said that at the time of the judgment the laws of the nation were secular laws.
Fact of the case held of the case before appeal tun salleh abbas federal constitution fc conclusion group members so what is the position of islamic law in malaysia. So how could this case be used to prove something that was not even stated in the judgement. For my 14th birthday this year my eldest sister gave me a law textbook entitled a first look at the malaysian legal system written by wan arfah hamzah and published by oxford fajar. Che omar che soh v public prosecutor 1988 2 mlj 55 apabila buku teks undang undang tidak berperlembagaan.
That is why with respect. Furthermore in che omar bin che soh v public prosecutor tan sri salleh abbas did not say that malaysia is a secular nation but tan sri salleh abbas only said that secular laws were used. It is not surprising that mccbchst has chosen to provide selective quotation in this respect. Subsequent apex court decisions have not disturbed the principles in the case.
By the way does gobind singh deo understand what is a secular state.