Tan Sri Ananda Krishnan Son

Chidambaram the former finance minister of india chidambaram s son karti two serving indian administrative service ias officers sanjay krishna and deepak kumar singh.
Tan sri ananda krishnan son. Tan sri ananda krishan is also a devout buddhist. Honours degree majoring in political science. How wonderful tan sri is also popular known as a great philanthropist especially in the field of education. He did his schooling in uk and can speak 8 different languages.
He is the only son of tan sri ananda krishnan second richest man in malaysia southeast asia and 89th in the world. Ananda has three children out of his marriage. I am so excited to read that ananda krishan has a son who has decided to devote his life to the three jewels. Net worth over time.
His mother is thai. In fact ajahn siripanyo has chosen an entirely different path by renouncing worldly possessions and becoming a buddhist forest monk in thailand. He refused opportunity to work with his father to expand his father s empire personal fortune more than usd 8 billion forbes and instead chose the life of a simple buddhist monk 18 years ago. Children of ananda krishnan.
He has two sisters. Tan sri also funds scholarships and school programs. Ananda krishnan was born in 1938 in brickfields kuala lumpur to tamil parents who were of sri lankan origin. His son ven ajahn siripanyo is a buddhist monk in thailand who lives in generosity of other people.
He studied at vivekananda tamil school in brickfields and furthered his studies at victoria institution kuala lumpur later as a colombo plan scholar he attended the university of melbourne australia for his b a. Robert kuok and ananda krishnan hold onto the top two spots for a record fourth year. The son of self made billionaire ananda krishnan also chose a vocation that isn t at all related to his father s business. The son of the business tycoon has eliminated the materialistic pleasures and went on to lead a life with very basic needs.
They were charged alongside with p.